Prepared and Self Sufficient: In an Age of Uncertainty, Be Certain in a Concrete Dome

Prepared and Self Sufficient with Concrete Domes

Do you find yourself looking to the future with unease or even fear? Well, you’re not alone. With increasing international tension, civil unrest, economic uncertainties, food shortages, and more, you’re not alone if you worry about your and your family’s future safety. In times like these, being self sufficient is more critical than ever.

With a personal fallout shelter, you can sleep peacefully knowing that you will have a place of refuge no matter what happens in the world around you. If that sounds appealing, let us recommend one of the most durable, cost-effective fallout shelters available: the concrete dome.

Of course, we pray that someday we won’t need to worry about protecting our families from the world’s unknowns. However, right now, we can provide a little peace of mind by creating sanctuaries for forward-thinking people who want to prioritize their security.

The Mighty Dome

What makes a concrete dome the perfect self sufficient structure? Its inherent strength—provided by six-inch thick, steel-reinforced concrete walls—enabling them to stand up against anything Mother Nature or man can throw its way.

Traditional buildings with flat walls and overhangs catch high winds and experience damage, such as torn shingles, broken windows, and even torn-off (or caved-in) roofs. Concrete domes, however, due to their aerodynamic and self-supporting design, distribute pressure and force better than rectangular buildings. They are so durable that they have earned the title of FEMA-approved “Safe Rooms.” 

In addition to being virtually indestructible, concrete domes are also energy-efficient and long-lasting. Regulating the temperature in a concrete dome requires far less energy than its conventional counterparts. A dome’s shape promotes air circulation, making it easy to control the internal temperature, regardless of the weather outside. So, in the event of a power outage, a backup generator can easily keep your family comfortable. And today’s concrete domes share similarities to ancient domes from around the world—which still stand today—giving modern domes longevity not found in any other construction.

How Does A Concrete Dome Support a Self Sufficient Lifestyle?

Unfortunately, natural disasters will always pose a threat to humans. Yet, as we’ve seen in recent years, issues like civil unrest, growing tensions overseas, and economic and supply chain issues are a cause for concern today and in the foreseeable future. Many have lost trust in the world’s governments or societal systems designed to protect us from the unknown, leading to a renewed focus on being prepared and self sufficient. A concrete dome can play a crucial role in many ways.

Food Supply

A concrete dome can serve as an effective grow room with artificial lights. Domes provide year-round protection from bugs, pollution, hail, and other factors that easily wipe out outdoor crops. It’s easily one of the strongest options to be self sufficient in your family’s food needs.

Civil Unrest or Attack

In the unlikely event that we are under attack, whether from domestic terrorism or abroad, a shock-absorbent concrete dome is one of the safest places you can be from a blast or bullets. Domes can withstand immense pressure, and in past conflicts from around the world, they are often the only structures left standing after an attack.


In addition to being strong and airtight, concrete domes can withstand flooding. While interior furniture may be affected by floodwater, the structural integrity of a dome will not. Concrete domes often serve as a refuge during tidal surges and hurricane-force winds on America’s east coast.

Tornados & Hurricanes

The aerodynamic shape of a dome allows destructive winds of up to 500 mph or more to pass overhead. And for the same reason domes are capable of withstanding explosive blasts, flying storm debris is no match for a dome

Climate Control During Extreme Weather

During a heatwave or the dead of winter, domes provide superior climate control. They are insulated with high-grade foam and built to be airtight, preventing external climate from impacting internal temperature. The shape of the dome creates natural air circulation, continually stirring warm air with cool air or vice versa. 

Of course, nobody wants these things to happen, but recent months show they are possible, and the consequences of not being prepared are too great to ignore. 

To get started:

  1. Learn everything you can about emergency preparedness.
  2. Make a list of items you need, determining what you already have and need to purchase.
  3. Make a plan for every situation and talk about it with your family. If a shelter-in-place strategy is right for you, determine if your home will provide the protection you need and, if not, what steps you can take to ensure it does.

If you want to know more about how a concrete dome can protect you and your family, we would love to give you a tour of our demo dome. Simply call 605-368-5477 or click here to schedule a personal tour.